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Introduction to the Stellar Codes




2 Weeks

Stellar Codes For Beginners
About the Course

The Stellar Codeâ„¢ Matrix is an enfoldment of Esoteric Astrology. Just as the ancients viewed the Zodiac as facets of the Cosmic Jewel translating the energy of the gods to the human life, each facet of the Stellar Codeâ„¢ translates the energy of the Divine into an individual's life by increasing the capacity to interact with one's Soul through the enlargement of one's Antakarana.

You will Learn:

Ethos Solaris

Stellar Mater: The Blueprint of Creation

Activation of the Soul Star

Practicing Intunements

Creating a Sacred Inner Temple

Awakening The Internal Divine Stars

What to Expect with a Stellar Code Attunement


Your Instructor

Stellar Codes

Stellar Codes

Stellar Codes is a body of ancient teachings from the Ancient temples, that represent and express the divine patterns through the Ageless Stellar teachings and Initiations.

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